8PA Tail lights off at "DRL-mode"


Aug 11, 2011
Hi guys,

Here in Sweden when ordinary A3/S3/RS3 (without lightsensor in the windscreen) are delivered from the dealers the setting is no taillights when the lightswitch is in the "DRL-mode" - only the LED in the front is full-illuminated.

Do you have same in your countries at yours RS3´s? :jc_hmmm:


Hi Jonte,

yes, we have the same configuration. But you can set it to scandinavian daylight. Then the front and rear daylights are switched on. For this configuration you have to set byte 18 from 2B to 2C in control unit 9.

Best Regards
Thank you very much Samara for this information :10hallo2:

Must tell my dealer so they do this byte-change before pickup...it ought not be an impossibility, or?

I know we used to have it before here in Scandinavia (perhaps that´s why this setting have this name :biggrinn: ) but late autum 2009 there was some law changes even up here in the dark and northparts of Europe.
I suppose it has something to do wiht be equal with other countries in the EU :boys_0136:

Yesterday I had an unpleasant experience where a Golf VI without tail lights, suddenly slowed down when there was a light fog - had to press a little bit harder on the brake pedal :aaaah:


samsara said:
Hi Jonte,

yes, we have the same configuration. But you can set it to scandinavian daylight. Then the front and rear daylights are switched on. For this configuration you have to set byte 18 from 2B to 2C in control unit 9.

Best Regards

Just want to double check so I understood right :boys_0120:

Without Scandinavian programming (factory default) is as follows

Light Knob...........Front lights.......Rear lights
"O".....................All off............All off
"DRL"...................TFL..............All off
"Parkingbulb"......Park. light..........ON
"ON"................Park + xenon.......ON

Scandinavian Prog (byte 18 from 2B to 2C in control unit 9)

Light Knob...........Front lights.......Rear lights
"O".....................All off............All off
"Parkingbulb"......Park. light..........ON
"ON"................Park + xenon.......ON

Hi Jonte,

check out this too:

motorsäge said:
So, habe eben bei mir mal ein paar Sachen probiert:

TFL bei Schalterstellung aus und Abblendlicht aktivieren:

STG 09 / Codierung 07 / Byte 26 / Bit 3 auf 0
geht :biggrinn:
Hi Jonte,

you can change the setting so that the TFL is also on in Position "0". For this you have to deactivate Byte 26 Bit 3 to 0 (see posting from SwissRS3). Else the setting should be as you described. If you change the setting to TFL on in position "0" then you also should change the setting of the FIS illumination to always on.

samsara said:
you can change the setting so that the TFL is also on in Position "0". For this you have to deactivate Byte 26 Bit 3 to 0 (see posting from SwissRS3).

So with following coding in STG 09 (2C in Byte 18 AND change Bit 3 to "0" in Byte 26 ) it should be

Light Knob...........Front lights.......Rear lights
"Parkingbulb"......Park. light..........ON
"ON"................Park + xenon.......ON

Believe that the Swedish cars have this encoding added (Byte 26, Bit 3 to "0") when according to the law the front lights may NOT be switched off EVER :boys_0137: I think.

samsara said:
Else the setting should be as you described. If you change the setting to TFL on in position "0" then you also should change the setting of the FIS illumination to always on.
Just good to know where and what value should I change :boys_0136:

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