Last modified: 10.10.2018 - 22:30
Abbr. | Root | Remakrs |
8J | - | Audi internal model coding of the second generation of the TT and thus also the first generation of the TTRS |
8L | - | Audi internal model coding of the first generation of the A3 |
8P | - | General term of the Audi internal model coding of the second generation of the A3 |
8P1 | - | Audi internal model coding of the A3's 3-door 3-door |
8P7 | - | Audi internal model coding of the second generation Cabriolet of the A3 |
8PA | - | Audi internal model coding of the 5-door (Sportback) the second generation of the A3 and thus also the first generation of the RS3 |
8UG | - | Audi internal model coding of the first generation of the Q3 and thus also the first generation of the RSQ3 |
8V | - | General term of the Audi internal model coding of the third generation of the A3 |
8V1 | - | Audi internal model coding of the third-generation 3-door of the A3. The production of the vehicle was discontinued with the facelift 2017 of the 8V |
8V7 | - | Audi internal model coding of the third generation Cabriolet of the A3 |
8VA | - | Audi internal model coding of the 5-door (Sportback) or third generation of the A3 and thus also the second generation of the RS3 Sportback |
8VS | - | Audi internal model coding of the 4-door (saloon) of the third generation of the A3 and thus also the first generation of the RS3 sedan |
AA | AlarmAnlage | German for "car alarm" |
AFAIK | As Far As I Know | |
AG | AnschlussGarantie | German for "extended warranty" |
AGA | AbGasAnlage | German for "exhaust system" |
AL | Adaptive Light | |
AMI | Audi Music Interface | iPhone/USB- connectivity for the MMI |
AOA | Audi OrtungsAssistent | German for "Audi tracking assistent" |
ATL | AbgasTurboLader | German for "turbocharger" |
BAA | BergAnfahrAssistent | German for "hill climb assist" |
BAH | BergAnfahrHilfe | German for "hill climb support" |
BT | BetriebsTemperatur | German for "operating temperature" |
BTT | Back-To-Topic | |
BTW | By-The-Way | |
Bucht | - | German "bay", colloquial speech for "eBay" |
BWA | BetriebsWirtschaftliche Auswertung | German for "economic evaluation" |
DAB | Digital Audio Broadcast | |
DI | Direct Injection | |
DKG | DoppelKupplungsGetriebe | German for "dual-clutch gearbox", VW named it "DSG"; Audi named it "S-tronic" |
DKS | DachKantenSpoiler | German for "roof-edge spoiler" |
DreMo | DrehMomentschlüssel | German for "torque wrench" |
DSG | DirektSchaltGetriebe | see DKG |
DSP | Digital Signalling Processor | |
DWA | DiebstahlWarnAnlage | German for "car alarm", see AA |
EPH | EinParkHilfe | German for "park distance control" resp. "parking assistance" |
ESD | EndSchallDämpfer | German for "end silencer" |
ESP | Elektronisches StabilitätsProgramm | German for "electronic stability program" |
ET | EinpressTiefe | German for "wheel offset of rims" |
FA | FernlichtAssistent | German for "high-beam assistant" |
FIS | FahrerInformationsSystem | German for "driver information system" |
FFB | FunkFernBedienung | German for "remote control" |
FL | FaceLift | in the automotive industry common term for a model maintenance; For the RS3 / 8V, this means vehicles from MY 2017 |
Fred | - | Germin malapropism of the English word "Thread" - topic within board |
FSE | FreiSprechEinrichtung | German for "hands-free equipment" |
FV | - | Audi internal model coding of the third generation of the TT and thus also the second generation of the TTRS |
Fz | Fahrzeug | |
GALA | GeschwindigkeitsAbhängige LautstärkeAnpassung | German for "speed-sensitive volume control" |
Gen | Generation | |
GFW | GewindeFahrWerk | German for "coilover suspension" |
GPS | Global Positioning Sytem | |
GRA | GeschwindigkeitsRegelAnlage | German for "cruise control system" |
Györ | - | pronouced "Jeur" - Audi plant in Hungary, production site of the RS3 / 8PA and central Audi engine plant |
HA | HinterAchse | German for "rear axle" |
HDP | HochDruckPumpe | German for "high-pressure pump" |
HL | HomeLink | Garage door opener with control panel, usually installed in the driver's side sun visor |
HomeLink | - | Garage door opener with control panel, usually installed in the driver's side sun visor |
HT | HochTöner | German for "high-frequency loudspeakers (tweeters)" |
IMU | Intelligent Multimedia control Unit | |
IN | INgolstadt | Town in Germany, Audi headquarters and factory with forum |
KBA | KraftfahrtBundesAmt | German Federal Bureau of Motor Vehicles and Drivers |
KV | KaufVertrag | German for "contract of sale" |
KW | KardanWelle | German for "cardan shaft" |
KW | KiloWatt | German for "kilo watts" |
LC | LaunchControl | |
LLK | LadeLuftKühler | German for "intercooler" |
LMM | LuftMengenMesser | German fpr "air flow meter" |
LR | Licht- und Regensensor | German for "light and rain sensor" |
LS | LautSprecher | Germand for "loudspeaker" |
LS | LeistungsSteigerung | German for "performance increase" |
LT | LapTimer | |
LT | LieferTermin | German for "date of delivery" |
LuFi | LuftFilter (singular) | German for "air filter" |
LuFis | LuftFilter(s) (plural) | German for "air filters" |
MA | MittelArmlehne | German for "central arm rest" |
mE | meines Erachtens | German for "in my opinion" |
MFL | MultiFunktionsLenkrad | German for "multifunction steering wheel" |
MJ | ModellJahr | German for "model year", the year of manufacture of a vehicle, whereby a model year is not necessarily always congruent with the solar year |
MMI | MultiMedia-Interface | |
MSD | MittelSchallDämpfer | German for "middle silencer" or - depending on the version - also presilencer |
MT | MittelTöner | German for "midrange speaker" |
NAV+ | NAVigation Plus | |
NSU | NekarSUlm | Town in Germany, Audi plant with forum, and headquarters of Audi Sport GmbH (formerly quattro GmbH) |
NSW | NebelScheinWerfer | German for "fog lights" |
OBD | On-Board-Diagnosesystem | |
OBD2 | On-Board-Diagnosesystem Version 2 | |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer | An original equipment manufacturer (OEM) is a company that produces parts and equipment that may be marketed by another manufacturer (seeWikipedia statement) |
OP | OptikPaket | German for "optical package", optional equipment (for example, RS3 / 8PA: either "black" or "aluminum") |
OPT | OPTikpaket | see OP |
OT | Off-Topic | |
PDC | Park-Distance-Control | |
Post | - | Post of a topic (thread) or message in a profile conversation (PM) |
PV | Privacy Verglasung | German for "tinted privacy glass" (on the rear side windows and the rear window) |
RDK | ReifenDruckKontrolle | German for "tyre pressure monitoring" |
RFK | RückFahrKamera | German for "rear view camera" |
RNS | Radio-Navigations-Sytem | |
RNS-E | Radio-Navigations-System-Erweitert(?) | -E is German probably for "extended" |
SD | Secure Digital memory card | Memory cards for the RNS-E |
SDS | SprachDialogSystem | German for "speech dialog system" (of the RNS-E) |
SG | SteuerGerät | German for "control unit" (of a car) |
SH | SitzHeizung | German for "seat heating" |
SR | SommerReifen | German for "summer tyres" |
SRA | ScheinwerferReinigungsAnlage | German for "headlight cleaning system" |
SSD | StahlSchiebeDach | German for "steel sliding roof" |
STG | STeuerGerät | see SG |
SuFu | SuchFunktion | German for "search function" (accessible via the corresponding menu command at the top right of each page) |
TFL | TagFahrLicht | German for "daytime running light" |
TFSI | Turbocharged Fuel Stratified Injection | turbocharged gasoline direct injection at Audi / Seat / Skoda / VW |
Thread | - | Thread/topic in a forum |
THX | Thanks | |
tlw | teilweise | |
TT | Audi TT | |
TT | TiefTöner | German for "woofer" (bass loudspeaker) |
TTRS | Audi TT/RS | |
USB | Universal Serial Bus | Modern and fast serial connection between electronical devices with their own plugs and sockets |
VA | VorderAchse | German for "front axle" |
VCDS | VAG-Com Diagnose-System | On-board diagnostic system for all vehicles of the VAG Group |
VDS | VorSchallDämpfer | German for "presilencer" or - depending on the version - also middle silencer |
VFL | Vor-FaceLift | German for "Pre-faclift", for RS3/8V the vehicles before the 2017 facelift |
WFS | WegFahrSperre | German for "vehicle immobilizer" |
WR | WinterReifen | German for "winter tyres" |
WOB | WOlfsBurg | Town in Germany, Headquaters of Volkswagen AG |
ZA | ZigarettenAnzünder | German for "cigarette lighter" |
ZKD | ZylinderKopfDichtung | German for "cylinder head gasket" |
ZMS | ZweiMassenSchwungrad | German for "dual mass flywheel" |