Terms of Use

T E R M S   O F   U S E

Status: 1. Oktober 2018 | Last update: 11. Oktober 2018 | Last correction: 11. Oktober 2018


Hello dear visitor,
thank you for stopping by. There are a few rules that we all want to follow so that we can ensure that this board runs smoothly.

§ 1 | Scope of application

By visiting www.audirs3.de, www.audirs3.ch or www.audirs3.eu (hereinafter "Board"), you (hereinafter "User") and the RS3 Club International e.V. (hereinafter "Operator") agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. (hereinafter 'the operator') has entered into a contract with the rules defined in the following paragraphs.

§ 2 | Subject matter of the contract and nomenclature

  1. I. The subject of the contract is the predominantly free use of the various functions of this board in the form of an online communication platform (generally known as "forum").

  2. II. The purpose of this board is a public "market of knowledge and opinions, with - but not exclusively - the focus on Audi RS3".

  3. III. This board has two communication areas.
    1. The generally accessible (i.e. public) area of communication; it is structured as follows:
         - Category:  or node,
      is a logical structure element (with its own title) that subordinates other categories (subcategories) or forums.
      Categories are created exclusively by the staffs of this board and "hang" directly or indirectly (above superordinate categories) on the root page of this board.
         - Forum:  is a logical structure element (with its own title), which subordinates other forums (child forums), but above all bundles threads.
      Forums are also created exclusively by the staffs of this board and "hang" indirectly (parent categories or forums) on the root page of this board.
         - Thread:  or topic,
      is a communication thread (with title), which bundles subordinated posts and corresponding answer posts.
      Threads are generated by the users, whereby the thread title is derived from the subject line of the first (thus the thread-generating) post.
      They "hang" indirectly (parent forums) on the root page of this board.
         - Post:  is the answering "message" of a user to an older post within an existing thread, which is why a post can also be referred to as a "reply post" or "reply"
      Posts therefore always "hang" indirectly (via the parent thread) on the root page of this board.

    2. The restricted (i.e. private/personal/confidential) communication area; it is structured as follows:
         - Conversation:  is a communication thread (with title) between the users invited during the profile conversation creation, which bundles subordinate messages.
      Conversations are generated by the users, where the conversation title is derived from the subject line of the first message.
      Since in other forums instead of conversation often PM or PN is spoken, these terms are equivalent in use here.
         - Message:  or profile post,
      Messages therefore always "hang" indirectly (above the parent conversation) on the user account of the user who started the conversation.

§ 3 | Registration procedure, conclusion of the contract and subject matter of the contract

  1. Already with the visit of this board the user concludes a user contract with the operator and recognizes the following regulations without reservation.
    If the user does NOT agree with these regulations, the registration is forbidden.
    Without the consent of the user the operator forbids the user any further use of this board and asks him to close all browser pages, which show contents of this board immediately.

  2. Registration is done through the registration page of this board and requires the acceptance of all rules, regulations and guidelines published on this and other parts of the board.

  3. The use/participation of this board is only open to persons who have completed the 16. If the user is younger, the registration is forbidden.
    By submitting the registration, the user implicitly declares that he has reached or already exceeded the minimum age required by the operator.

  4. Any natural or legal person is strictly prohibited from registering on this board twice or more than once, i.e. with more than one user/one e-mail address.
    The operator may grant exceptions to its staffs and particularly known users, in particular if these are helpful for certain function tests on the board.
    If the operator becomes aware of an infringement of this rule at a later point in time, it reserves the right to block/delete the primary user account of the user concerned in addition to the unauthorised surplus user accounts.

  5. When registering, the user must ensure that he does not suggest any terms protected by trademark law, Internet addresses or immoral (racist, insulting, etc.) designations as his user name (nickname).
    In case of violation the operator will refuse the registration without comment.

  6. After submitting the registration, the user will receive an e-mail confirmation to verify his data again.
    The e-mail contains a link that the user must follow (by mouse click) to confirm the registration request and the validation of his data.
    Only then will the operator edit the registration and, if necessary, create and activate the user account (hereinafter also referred to as "profile" or "user profile").
    But even if the operator is anxious to process all registrations quickly, the registration process can take several days in exceptional cases.
    All board staff are volunteers.

  7. In principle, there is no legal claim to the creation and activation of a user account and the associated access/participation on this board.

  8. If the registration is rejected by the operator or withdrawn by the user, no contract is concluded in the sense of the rules described here.
    In this case, the operator prohibits the user from any further use of this board and asks him to close all browser pages that display content on this board immediately.

  9. If the registration is confirmed by the operator and the user account is thus created and activated, the user will be informed of this by e-mail and a contract will be concluded between the user and operator in accordance with the rules described here.

  10. The contract of use is concluded for an indefinite period and can be terminated by either party at any time without notice.

  11. XI. With the conclusion of the contract the user has acknowledged all rules, regulations and guidelines published here and elsewhere on the board.

§ 4 | Rights/obligations of the operator and validity of the contract

  1. With
    • creating threads, posts, profile conversations, messages, comments, ratings,
    • the transfer of pictures and other files
    • etc.
    (hereinafter "content"), the user grants to the operator a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, perpetual, perpetual, perpetual, perpetual, perpetual, perpetual, perpetual, perpetual, unrestricted license to use, publish or republish all of its Content in connection with this Board.

    So the user should not create and/or transfercontents that are very private or even confidential for him!

  2. The operator exercises the unrestricted domiciliary rights over this board.

  3. The operator is permitted to block or delete the account, the contents and other functions of the user at any time, in particular in the event of violations of any rules, regulations and guidelines published here and elsewhere.
    By blocking or deleting the account, the operator or his staff grants the user a limited or unrestricted house ban.
    The granting and revocation of house bans must be in writing, whereby notifications within the board and e-mail notifications are sufficient; fax/letter mail is permitted, but not required.

  4. The operator and his staff are permitted to modify user contents at any time, if these are
    • violate formalisms, structures or the rules, regulations and guidelines published here and elsewhere,
    • appear otherwise inappropriate or unsuitable or
    • cause damage to the operator or third parties.

  5. After termination of this user contract or after granting the unrestricted house prohibition the operator will delete the user account.
    Tthe operator forbids the user any further use of this board and asks him to close all browser pages, which show contents of this board, immediately.
    The rights of use of the user contents described in this paragraph under I. remain unrestricted in favour of the operator.
    A claim for return or transfer of the contents created in the context of the user account affected by the deletion does not exist and is generally rejected.
    At the special written request of the user (and if feasible with reasonable effort), the operator will attempt to make the content anonymous.

  6. The operator makes every effort to keep the board available without interruption.
    But despite all care downtimes of the board - also for maintenance reasons - cannot be excluded in principle.
    Web servers may fail due to technical or other problems which may be beyond the control of the operator (fault of third parties, force majeure, attacks against the infrastructure by terror or hackers, etc.) and are then no longer accessible via the Internet.
    The user acknowledges that 100% availability of the board is not technically feasible.

§ 5 | Rights/obligations of the user

  1. The user account activated by the operator is NOT transferable and may therefore only be used by the registered user himself.

  2. The user is also responsible in his function as the owner of this account for
    • the general secrecy of his access data,
    • protection of the account in general and
    • the protection of the account against misuse by third parties.

  3. The user agrees not to create, transmit or link to any content that
    • are lying, false, defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like,
    • is contrary to morality in general and morality in particular,
    • may or may not be offensive (this includes bullying, racism and all forms of misogyny),
    • should be reserved for adults or are otherwise offensive or sexist,
    • contain personal information of third parties,
    • risk copyright or trademark infringement,
    • promote illegal activities,
    • promote politically extremist ideas contrary to the liberal-democratic principles of European value systems, or
    • otherwise violate any applicable Swiss or European law.

  4. The user declares himself fully responsible for
    • the contents created or transferred by him and
    • any damage resulting from its contents or its conduct.

  5. The user declares that he is in this board
    • do not create a post more than once (prohibition of duplicates),
    • will not reply to its own posts within 24 hours,
    • add/extend content by editing his last own post, if it is also the last post of a thread,
    • do not place press releases of third parties in posts without the written consent of the author,
    • do not advertise for third parties without first obtaining the express written permission of the third party and the operator of this forum
      (this applies in particular to so-called surreptitious advertising, such as the linking of one's own or external homepage - with or without accompanying text - in its signature or its posts) and
    • publish their own and third-party URLs and address or contact information exclusively in the fields provided for this purpose in their user profile or in bilateral communications with other users.

  6. The user declares that he only publishes links and images in his content to which he holds all rights or to which he is entitled to use these in the form published by him.

  7. The user is aware that conversations (see also § 2 ) and their messages are mostly private and personal messages between him and other users and he will therefore treat them accordingly sensitive.
    Contents from "messages" will only be made public by the user in other conversations, messages, threads or posts of this board or also outside of this board if the user has previously obtained the explicit and written permission for publication from all other users involved in the profile conversation!

  8. VIII. Should third parties or other users make claims against the operator due to possible violations of the law, the
    • result from content posted by the user and/or
    • arise from the use of this board by the user,
    the user undertakes to indemnify the operator from any claims (including claims for damages of any kind) and to reimburse the operator for all costs incurred due to a possible violation of the law.
    In particular, the operator is released from the costs of any necessary legal defence. If necessary, the operator is entitled to demand an appropriate advance payment from the user.
    The user is obliged to support a legal defence of the operator against third parties in good faith with all helpful information and documents.
    All further rights as well as claims for damages of the operator remain unaffected.
    If the user is clearly not responsible for and is not responsible for the possible violation of the law, the aforementioned obligations do not exist.

  9. The user can voluntarily leave the board at any time and request the operator to delete his user account.
    However, the user is NOT released from his obligation to indemnify the operator from any claims (including claims for damages of any kind) (see previous paragraph) when leaving the board.
    The request to delete the user account must be made in writing, with notifications within the board and e-mail notifications being sufficient; fax/letter mail is not permitted, however.

§ 6 | General Behavior Rules

  1. Denunciatory behaviour, bullying and the like, which has already spread too much (due to Internet anonymity) in other forums, are more than just undesirable on this board and are accordingly warned and/or punished.
    The operator and his staff know how to prevent such behaviour by the sustainable application of various disciplinary measures.

  2. The user is therefore requested to treat other users of this board in a friendly and respectful manner at all times.
    The possibly different opinion of another user has the same weight as the user's own opinion and he/she has the same right to consider and respect it.
    Therefore, this board shall be free to form and express opinions as long as such opinions are expressed in a considerate, prudent and friendly manner and shall not violate any rules, regulations, guidelines and applicable law published herein or elsewhere on the board!

§ 7 | Illegal contents

  1. The user is prohibited from including in his signature any form of advertising for products, articles, services or any form of links to homepages. In case of violations, the staff of this board will delete the signatures without comment.

  2. II. ETKA is a registered community trademark of the company LEX - Com, Munich, with validity on the entire territory of the EU, protected by copyright and reserved exclusively for legitimate contract workshops. The mention of ETKA in connection with illegal content (such as procurement, use, use of pirated copies, etc.) is strictly prohibited.

  3. Offers and requests for products, articles, software or other with trademark and copyright infringements (image, sound, software), pirated copies or the like. Statements are strictly prohibited.

  4. Contents with reference to the German National Socialism as well as xenophobic/racist or misogynistic statements and contents are strictly prohibited.

  5. Violations of these rules will be warned by the operator as soon as they become evident and may result in the immediate deletion of the user account.

§ 8 | "Marktplatz" (Marketplace)

§ 8.1 | Forum "Händlermeile" (Dealer Mile)

  1. If the user is a legal entity (such as workshop, tuner, dealer, etc.), if the user represents such a legal entity or if the user works part-time or full-time comparable to a legal entity, the user can register on this board as a dealer for a fee .
    The staff will be happy to inform him about costs and other conditions by means of "conversation".

  2. In return for registering as a dealer, the user receives his own forum within the category "Händlermeile". There he has all the rights and duties to moderate his forum and also carries them out independently. Furthermore, the operator will set up an advertising banner with a direct link to his commercial homepage within his forum.

  3. Contrary to the provisions of § 7, paragraph I., users registered as a dealers may place advertising for products, articles or services as well as a link to their commercial homepage in their signature or in their posts.

§ 8.2 | Forum "Gebrauchtwagenbörse" (Used Car Exchange)

  1. Offers for sale of vehicles of any kind by the user not registered as a dealer are only permitted in the forum "Gebrauchtwagenbörse" of the category "Marktplatz" of this board.

  2. Already with the activation of the user account resp. after having created a first post, the user is entitled to create offers there in the form of new threads and to write posts to existing offers, e.g. to ask questions or evaluate them.

  3. Obsolete sales offers (e.g. car is sold) are to be marked by the offering user by means of a new post of the content "Please close" or similar within the sales thread concerned. Staff will then lock/close this thread and move it to another category if necessary.

  4. Offers for sale whose last post was more than 3 months ago or whose content clearly indicates an obsolescence (e.g. links to mobile.de no longer current) will be blocked/closed by staff on their own authority and possibly moved to another category. Usually the offering user is informed of this.

§ 8.3 | Forum "Biete" (Offer)

  1. Private sales offers of any kind (with the exception of vehicles) of the user not registered as a dealer are only allowed in the forum "Biete" of the category "Marktplatz" of this board.

  2. Already with the activation of the user account the user is entitled to write answer posts to already existing offer threads in the designated forum, e.g. to ask questions or to evaluate them.

  3. The user can create new offers in the form of new threads in the forum mentioned here, if he has previously been authorized to do so.
    The user will only be authorized automatically if he has contributed his share to the active board communication by creating at least 500 posts in any thread.
    In this way, the operator wants to avoid users registering on the board for the sole purpose of gaining access to the special clientele of this board (i.e. our users). This is not a harassment, but protects the serious users from dubious or unfair offers as well as spam.

  4. The user can be authorized more quickly by donating money to the operator.
    For this, €4,- are to be donated per 100 missing posts of 500 required posts. If the user is interested, he/she can contact the staff via "conversation".

  5. The obtaining of the authorization to create sales offers in the forum named here (e.g. by the extensive writing of fictitious articles or by spamming) is strictly prohibited.

  6. The creation of sales offers in other forums or threads on this board, including disguised purchase requests or exchange offers, is strictly prohibited.

  7. Sales for pure profit generation (external purchase of products with the aim of reselling them profitably unchanged via the board) are strictly prohibited for all users with the exception of registered dealers.

  8. Advertisements for products, articles, services or links to dealer sites in posts of this forum, which do not serve a closer explanation of the product offered for sale, are deleted by the staff members without comment.

  9. When preparing an offer for sale, the user is generally obligedto indicate a price in line with the market.
    This must also be marked either with VB for "basis for negotiation" or FP for "fixed price".

  10. Regular "pushing" of the sales offer to increase attention by the offering user is permissible, provided that the last post of the thread (also reply or push posts) is older than 48 hours.

  11. The offering user always expects questions and answers about the sales offer within his sales thread.
    It is therefore strictly prohibited to discuss questions in direct communication (conversation/e-mail/telephone) with other users.
    Questions asked and corresponding answers must be fully accessible to all users of this board.

  12. On the other hand, the operator requires the user to carry out the final purchase transaction (price negotiation, exchange of payment modalities, etc.) exclusively in direct communication (conversation/e-mail/telephone) with the potential buyer.
    This requirement supports the privacy of the parties involved.

  13. Obsolete sales offers (e.g. because the sale was successfully completed) are to be marked by the offering user by means of a new post of the content "Please close" or similar within the sales thread concerned.
    The staff will then lock/close this thread and move it to another category if necessary.

  14. Sales offers whose last post was made more than 3 months ago or whose content clearly indicates an obsolescence will be blocked/closed by the staff on their own authority and possibly moved to another category. Usually the offering user will be informed.

§ 8.4 | Forum "Sammelbestellungen" (Collective orders)

  1. Collective orders are created exclusively by the staff upon request by the user and are only permitted in the forum "Sammelbestellungen" of the category "Marktplatz" of this board.
    Commercial offers are strictly prohibited at this point! Registered dealers may - after consultation with the operator - in individual cases place collective orders in their dealer forums.

  2. Already with the activation of the user account the user is entitled to write answer posts in the designated forum to already existing collective orders, e.g. to participate in the order, to ask questions or to evaluate them.

  3. Definition:
    • Collective purchase orders are primarily used by users with the same, purely private interest in a particular product to join together in order to obtain a more favorable price for the product through any negotiable quantity discounts from a supplier.
      The resulting prices, costs and profits must be transparent to all users at all times, so that each user can easily decide whether the collective order is attractive for him and whether he wants to participate in it.

    • Under no circumstances collective orders may be misused to provide an additional source of income to a user, possibly unannounced with tax authorities.
      Furthermore, it is to be avoided that in the event of exercising the right of revocation, complaints and/or warranty claims, problems arise during processing, in particular between the participating users.

    • The disclosure obligation required here brings transparency into the process and serves the protection and interest of all participating users.
      The disinterest in a collective order as well as a later bounce rate of possibly interested users will also be considerably lower.

  4. Rules:
    1. A collective order must be requested in writing from the staff via conversation.

    2. Collective orders can only be applied for by the user if his user account has been activated for at least 90 days and he has proven his active participation on this board - proven by the creation of numerous and high-quality contributions.

    3. The requesting user (hereinafter referred to as the initiator) assumes responsibility for the entire process, from submitting the request to the staff to delivering the ordered goods to all participating users.
      He commits himself to unrestricted transparency of all relevant information..
      In detail, this means that the initiator is able to provide and transfer the staff member with all figures and data from
      • manufacturer,
      • shop,
      • supplier,
      • regular price,
      • discount negotiated with the supplier,
      • discount scales depending on the quantities purchased,
      • shipping and packaging costs,
      • special notices and conditions of participation addressed to other users, as well as
      • after the order has been placed, proof of order, proof of payment and relevant e-mail, fax or other correspondence.

    4. The request for a collective purchase order is either approved or rejected by the staff, after consultation with other staff memebers, stating the reasons.
      For approved collective purchase orders, the staff creates the thread on behalf of the initiator by creating the first post. The staff determines the title of the collective purchase order (according to the recommendation of the initiator making the request) and the entry of the additional information transmitted.

    5. By participating in the collective order, all participating users implicitly acknowledge and agree to the initiator's special terms and conditions.

    6. If the price structure changes during the processing of the collective order, the initiator must make this known immediately in the thread.

    7. Other information of the collective order, the initiator may announce in the thread also, however, maximally 1 times within 24 hours.

    8. Regular "pushing" of the thread to increase attention by the initiator or other participating users is permitted if the last post of the thread (also push posts) is older than 48 hours.

    9. If a participating user does not comply with these agreements or these rules during processing or attempts to circumvent them in any way, this user will generally be denied participation in future collective orders.

    10. The participation of a user in a collective order also obliges the user to accept and pay for the goods.

    11. In the event that the initiator or other participating users violate the above rules during processing, the affected user will first be warned. In case of repetition, the staff is free to cancel the collective order and close it at any time!

    12. The completed processing of the collective order is to be marked by the initiator in the relevant thread in the form of a post with the content "Please close" or similar.

    13. Collective orders whose last post was placed more than 3 months ago or whose content clearly indicates an obsolescence will be blocked/closed by the staff on their own authority and possibly moved to another category. Usually the offering user will be informed.

§ 8.5 | Forum "Suche" (Searching)

  1. Private purchase requests of any kind (with exception of vehicles) of the user (also as a registered dealer) are only allowed in the forum "Suche" of the category "Marktplatz" of this board.

  2. Already with the activation of the user account resp. after having created a first post, the user is entitled to create purchase requests in the form of new threads and to post answers to existing offers, e.g. to ask questions or rate them.

  3. Obsolete purchase requests (e.g. the searched item has been found and acquired) are to be identified by the searching user by means of a new post of the content "Please close" or similar within the relevant search thread. The staff will then lock/close this thread and, if necessary, move it to another category.

  4. Purchase requests whose last post was made more than 3 months ago or whose content clearly indicates an obsolescence will be blocked/closed by the staff on their own authority and possibly moved to another category. Usually the offering user will be informed.

§ 8.6 | Forum "Tausche" (Exchange)

  1. Private exchange requests of any kind (with exception of vehicles) of the user (also as a registered dealer) are only allowed in the forum "Tausche" of the category "Marktplatz" of this board.

  2. Already with the activation of the user account, the user is entitled to create exchange requests in the form of new threads and to post answers to existing offers, e.g. to ask questions or rate them.

  3. Exchange requests that have become obsolete (e.g. the exchange has been completed) are to be identified by one of the exchanging users by means of a new post of the content "Please close" or similar within the affected request thread. The staff will then lock/close this topic and move it to another category if necessary.

  4. Exchange requests whose last post was made more than 3 months ago or whose content clearly indicates an obsolescence will be blocked/closed by the staff on their own authority and possibly moved to another category. Usually the offering user is informed of this.

§ 8.7 | Forum "Vermiete/Verleihe" (Rentals/Rental)

  1. Private renting and rental offers as well as renting and rental requests of any kind of the user (also as a registered dealer) are only allowed in the forum "Vermiete/Verleihe" of the category "Marktplatz" of this board.

  2. Already with the activation of the user account resp. after having created a first post, the user is entitled to create rental and rental offers as well as rental and rental requests in the form of new threads and to post answers to existing offers, e.g. to ask questions or rate them.

  3. Obsolete rental and lending offers as well as rental and lending requests shall be identified by one of the offering/searching users by means of a new post with the content "Please close" or similar within the relevant rental/rental thread. The staff will then lock/close this topic and move it to another category if necessary.

  4. Rental and rental offers as well as rental and rental requests, from the contents of which an obsolescence can be clearly deduced, are blocked/closed by the staff on their own authority and if necessary moved to another category. Usually the offering/searching user is informed of this.

§ 8.8 | Miscellaneous

  1. Any form of fraudulent activity will not be tolerated and will immediately expel the user from this board; further legal action by the operator or initiator remains reserved.

  2. The operator does not guarantee the seriousness of the users of this board.
    The user is therefore advised to consider carefully who he trusts, where he buys or where he wants to participate in a collective order.
    For a registered user, the staff members do not have more information available than the user has disclosed in his user account!

  3. The operator disclaims all responsibility and cannot be held liable for any business of any kind initiated or conducted through this board.
    The responsibility/liability remains unrestricted with the users directly involved in the business.

§ 9 | Posting images to the gallery

  1. Images to be added to the gallery of this board must not be larger than 640 x 480 pixels and must not occupy more than 1 MB of memory.
    Larger images are only possible and allowed as a link to an external provider.

  2. These limitations serve on the one hand to improve the clarity of this board and on the other hand to allow users to move around the board both via Edge and 3G with acceptable response times.
    The operator and his staff reserve the right to change or remove posts or images in posts that violate these regulations without authorization and without notice.

§ 10 | Tasks and Authorizations of the Staff

  1. The staff members of this board are classified as follows (recognizable by the coloring of the user name shown here):
    • Administrators, with holistic administration and moderation rights in all areas of this board,
    • Supermoderators, with limited administrative and holistic moderation rights on all areas of this board,
    • Moderators, without administrative, but holistic moderation rights on all areas of this board and
    • Dealers, without administrative, but holistic moderation rights on their own dealer forum of this board.

  2. Administrators essentially have the following tasks and responsibilities:
    • All tasks necessary to maintain and guarantee the availability of the forum,
    • setting up and managing the logical and physical structures of this board,
    • support and advice for super-/moderators in the performance of their moderation tasks,
    • arbitration and mediation in the event of disagreement or dispute between users or users and staff,
    • Sanctioning violations of the rules, regulations and guidelines published here and elsewhere on the board; and
    • if necessary, locking and deleting user accounts that have already been activated.

  3. Supermoderators and Moderators of this board will be selected and appointed by the management board of the operator as needed.
    If compelling reasons speak against the appointment of a supermoderator/moderator, each user is requested to inform the management board of the operator immediately.

    They essentially have the following tasks and responsibilities:
    • Representing administrators during their absences,
    • evaluate, reject, or approve registration requests from new users,
    • support and advice for administrators in structuring and controlling this board,
    • general moderation, monitoring and maintenance etc. and
    • supporting and advising administrators on the imposition of sanctions.
    In addition, if you violate any of the rules, regulations, or guidelines posted here or elsewhere on the board, they essentially have the following permissions:
    • Locking and, if necessary, deleteing/removing content of any kind as well as
    • warn users.

  4. Dealers acquire their classification according to §7 of these Terms of Use

    They essentially have the following tasks, responsibilities and permissions exclusively for their own dealer forum within this board:
    • General moderation, monitoring and maintenance etc.
    • locking and, if necessary, deleteing/removing content of any kind as well as
    • issuing house bans (restricted to the respective dealer forum).

  5. If the user does not agree with the procedure of a staff member or dealer, he is requested to clarify the discrepancies first with the staff member or dealer concerned personally via a conversation.
    Only if no agreement can be reached or no solution reached between the parties involved in the conflict, do both parties have the right to address the matter to one of the administrators (again exclusively via a conversation!).

§ 11 | Miscellaneous

The operator reserves the right to change and/or extend rules, regulations, guidelines, contents, structures as well as the associated user interfaces without prior notice, if the fulfilment of the purpose of the contract concluded with the user is not or only insignificantly impaired by this.
Nevertheless, the operator makes every effort to inform the user in advance of any planned changes at an early stage.

Information about this board's handling of cookies is described in the Cookie Usage.

Information about how this board handles users' personal information is described in the Privacy Policy beschrieben.

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